Monday, October 22, 2012

That's Not Okay

Ranting. Recently I can't help but notice how disrespectful everyone has become. From child to child, child to adult, adult to child and adult to adult. It is so sad to see how the majority of people treat one another. One instance that really irritates me is how students mistreat their teachers. Especially in the situations where the teachers have done nothing to deserve it.  A student is lucky if they have a laid back teacher so it confuses me when kids take the good ones for granted. Even when you're stuck with the teachers who aren't so 'cool', giving them the same respect you feel you deserve is necessary. I'm not sure if it's just how the younger generations are raised, but what happened to cleaning up after yourself, holding the door open for someone, or even smiling when you pass someone? It's like a rare occurrence for people to have basic manners. Schools and public places shouldn't "crack down" or enforce their rules, parents should start teaching their kids better. If more people are walking around with a sense of entitlement and less of those who don't feel as if they have the right to whatever, then there's a problem. I just find it annoying that they’re getting away with it too. Not only that, but since they disregard the rules, they lose privileges for everyone or create an increase in rules.  

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