This upcoming weekend I'm heading to Bowling Green to visit my sister and her boyfriend. Hayley, Gina and I are planning on leaving Thursday night and coming home Sunday. The only issue is calling off work and actually getting those days off. Anytime I've given my work an advance on a day I was going to need off, they still schedule me. So, i'm trying to plan out how i'm going to convince them to give me all four days off and in addition I have the Reel Big Fish concert on the 24th of this month so I have to call that off as well. I have about five bosses, but the only one who really scares me is the restaurants owner. He's honestly extremely intimidating. Like, I don't think I've ever gotten that scared by someone yelling at me as I did when I didn't come in on Christmas Eve. I call for my schedule every Monday at lunch and when I woke up over break to a missed call saying i'd missed my 11 o'clock shift, I was pretty livid. I not only called that day off, but Monday is the only day i'm not available to work on my availability sheet.
For the longest time I was working six straight days a week and they finally cut me down to five days a week. The owner was the main reason it took such a long time for them to cut my hours and even getting him to do that was scary. Most of the girls at my works just call off before their shift to make sure they always get the days that they want off, but I feel like not letting them schedule someone in advance is unprofessional and kinda rude. I don't really want to go to work tonight and talk about it with any of them, so i'm hoping I can just tell them a few days before and have Riley cover my shifts they schedule me for. Ahhhh.
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